Share on social media

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Starts: 05-13-2021
Location: Online Opportunity


Share a post on social media that mentions Board. For example, talk about how Board is being used at your organization and share a specific success story. Or if you recently met with Board at your office or an event, share a photo from the meeting and some words about what was discussed or achieved. You have free range to share about your experiences with Board, we just ask that you:
1) Tag other colleagues that either helped with implementation or with advancing Board's success at your company
2) Tag the Board International corporate account (see social handles below)

We also encourage you to share the post in your local language.

Facebook: @Board International
Twitter: @BoardSoftware
LinkedIn: @Board International

​​​Please note, you need to be signed in as a community member to apply.

Advocates Needed:

200 (200 open slots)

Experience Required:

No specific qualifications




Customer Marketing